Sunday, April 22, 2012

Happy bday Dad (Day 198)

Happy Birthday DAD!! You are officially old! Just kidding ;) but I’m not. We had a house meeting today and we all forgot about it. I mean not one single senior remembered and they never announced it on the morning announcements. So I don’t think that anyone showed up. I mean we barely have 10 kids when they do announce it, so I assume there was an empty library today. I want to tell the kids to start coming to the meetings, but I never see them except sometimes at the meetings. But if they don’t come, I cannot tell them. It’s like a never ending line of confusion and lack of passed information. Prometheus better be used to being in 3rd place. I’m tired of them complaining about losing but then never showing up to the meetings and legit always losing points. I think they deserve to be in 3rd because they need to understand they have to do work to win.

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