Sunday, April 22, 2012

Frankenstein (Day 211)

I have to do a whole other week on all of these books and I have to read Frankenstein and do the vocab and finish blogs and do calculus and work in these books! -__- There is a lot to do but since its spring break, I am going to relax a little. I mean I have tons to do-including finishing my research paper and the list from above, but I’m going to do a little (or a lot) everyday so that by next Sunday, I won’t have to do that much anymore and next Monday I can just sit in front of the TV all day J I have to do like 4 more blogs and then I can call these things quits! Well I actually then have to do the pictures…but still. I am almost done!!!! Oh. And we had tennis practice today. Which was fun. Except my strings broke. Like completely. They are broken L

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