Friday, September 16, 2011

Sonata (Day 11)

Today was kind of dull. Nothing happened except Trapp pulling me, Iyin, and Alyssa out of class to say that he was disappointed in all of us. L We didn’t have practice so I stayed for the National Honor Society meeting and then went and helped Dona. We had to dig below the surface today in English to be able to analyze “Waiting for Godot” and nobody really understood. We just kept talking until it made sense. And it never did. At least not to me. I googled it and even scholars don’t understand it. That’s why it belongs in theater of the absurd, which was my part of the project and what I actually understood. Now I have to practice flute for half an hour which is why I chose a picture of Sonata by M. Clementi. Because it looks pretty and is what I should be working on. So I’m going to do that now. And then maybe I’ll play some Christmas songs. I quite enjoy those as well. J

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