Thursday, September 29, 2011

B3 (Day 22)

This B3 pin was something my best friends and I (Hannah and Becky) came up with as a name for our little trio. Its sounds stupid but as 14 and 13 year olds, this sounded great. It’s another camp story that I feel like I should explain. But it would sound so dumb to people that weren’t there and don’t understand the camp. I’ve known Hannah since I was 8 and we’ve been friends ever since, and Becky was in my old Girl Scout troop, so we have been friends since I was 10 or 11. We camp together and became inseparable. That’s why everyone gave us a name for our little “clique” even though we would explain that we were never a clique. So it kind of stuck and it was just cool that I found this pin. After all, this past summer was the last time we would be together as campers, as Hannah is a year younger, and Becky and I are going to college, so we can no longer be campers, but counselors.

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