Sunday, September 25, 2011

Kitty :) (Day 15)

Now I realized that I don’t have anything to take a picture of. So I settled for this semi-amusing cat picture. I thought it was funny. My parents are now thinking of fostering a German Sheppard named Zander. That would be the fourth dog. I do love dogs, but 4? Whatever. I’m sitting here watching the Giants/Eagles football game. Because nothing is on. Absolutely nothing. Well there is Paid Programming, Golf Central, Triathlon, Visions of Ireland, some movie called Waking the Dead, The Magic School Bus (totally going to watch that now!), My Name is Earl, Another 48 Hours, and back to NFL Football. So needless to say, I’m going to watch the Magic School Bus with Mrs. Frizzle. And it’s a good episode: “When Ralphie can’t find any Salmon to catch to serve at the upcoming school picnic, Ms. Frizzle transforms the bus into a salmon to find out where all of the salmon went, but the class may be late for the picnic when the bus travels upriver.” Sounds super exciting !

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