Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Limits :) (Day 9)

So today in calc, Mr. Hopkins decided that he would give us 30 minutes to read a chapter in our textbook and then learn the subject. After which, we would have to do an exit ticket. I had never seen limits on integrals a day in my life. So I was totally confused…but I decided to work alone because I know I have trouble working with people. Because I don’t like people or working with them. So I took tons of notes, and learned it…and got a 100% on the exit ticket! So that was a pro. But I am still missing my phone and iPod. So that’s a con. And we had to run a lot today because the same couple people kept playing around in soccer practice…and we have a game tomorrow against Patapsco. So I think I know how that game will end. Anyway, I have to finish an analysis question, work from the book, and a BCR for Chemistry, then go on to start Ms. Banister’s homework. And Mr. O’Connor’s flashcards. Sounds like fun, eh? Got to go. <3

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