Sunday, December 11, 2011

Hawaiin punch (Day 83)

Haha...cow on boat. :)
Today my mom and I went to church and helped at the advent service because today was the first Sunday in advent. My mom made this awesome punch where you add sherbet, Hawaiian punch, and ginger ale and it was incredible. Everyone always loves it and we went through like 6 bottles of ginger ale and sherbet and 2 huge bottles of Hawaiian punch. I got to stay there and pour the punch for everyone and there was like 150-200 people there. It was really fun and then we got to stay and clean up afterward so we were there until 2 in the afternoon. Then when we went home and I had to rake leaves which took almost 4 hours. While I was raking, my sister, her boyfriend Nick, and my Dad all hung up our Christmas lights. We left around 6 to go to Famous Dave’s and we had a great time. We came back at like 8 and it was dark so the lights looked incredible.

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