Sunday, December 11, 2011

No church (Day 90)

Did you know? These are actually wall hangers. :)
I definitely didn’t go to church today because my family slept in. It was great not having to get up at 7:00 in the morning. Then I had to work on my essay even more. I got it down to a full page but I need to cut it down more because my mom said that college admissions officers don’t want to read an essay that is more than a page long. I know I don’t like reading anything that is longer than like half a page. So I’m not going to make anybody else read my boring essay, either. But I am reading my calculus books and hopefully I can pass the next test that I have because I do not want to get a C. Like 4 people dropped out of Calculus and it’s really sad. I liked our class.

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