Sunday, December 11, 2011

Stitches (Day 93)

So I got stitches today. I have a ceiling fan in my room and I put the glass dome on too tightly the other day when I changed the light bulb and when I went to pull the chain to turn it on, it shattered and I tried to catch it instinctively and it cut my finger pretty deeply. So I got 5 stitches. It’s pretty annoying because I can’t use my finger and I didn’t realize how much I use it. But I get them out in 10 days and then I will be fine. But the scholarship deadline is in 2 days and I’m not ready! Ugh. But I bowled a 113 today and that is pretty good for me. So it was an ok day and I hope that I can still finish this scholarship thing that is due in less than 72 hours.

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