Sunday, December 11, 2011

Stevenson trip (Day 87)

Unfortunately I actually like Stevenson. I say that because my sister and her boyfriend went there and graduated and that means that Stevenson wasn’t even on my radar. But then I went there and decided that it was really beautiful and the campus is close to home (which is kind of a problem). It isn’t my number one choice but it is still in my top 4 or 5. I really wish there was more nature in the campus. That’s why I like St. Mary’s. Because I can go sailing whenever I want and ride horses, too. All of my friends say I am a hippie and that is true because I love the outdoors and it is one of the factors that will determine where I go to college. Plus, hopefully I can get lots of scholarships because I have been working my butt off for almost 4 years and it’s about time that I can go to college for free. J

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