Sunday, December 11, 2011

21 days until christmas (Day 88)

Nothing really happened today. I mean there are like 21 days until Christmas and I have to get my grades up in all of my classes. Well except Health and AP Chemistry. Those classes are so easy I think I will permanently have an A. And I mean I do have a B in AP Human Geography but I would like to have an A in the class because I think it’s easy. I have to get my grades up in AVID and AP Calculus and AP English. I guess I don’t take them as seriously as I should. I mean in AVID all we are doing is talking about college and I’m tired of thinking about it. In Calculus all we do is take tests which I am never prepared for but I take the tests and fail anyway. So I need to work on that most of all. So I checked out 2 books from the library that hopefully help me pass them and get me a B for the final grade. Because I can’t have my first C on my report card senior card.

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