I spent the morning with my old youth group and friends packing 2 huge u-haul trucks with toys and games for kids around the region. It always makes me feel good to make sure that other kids are able to enjoy the things that other kids have. It helps that someone is able to make a difference in the world and help people have an easier time in their lives. I think it was a Christmas movie that said once that said “Once you help other people, what you need has a strange way of coming into place.” And I think that’s true because every year I go and help with the toy drive and I am blessed with an incredible life. So I think Christmas movies are strangely real. J
Sunday, December 11, 2011
JAM Toy Drive (Day 96)
I spent the morning with my old youth group and friends packing 2 huge u-haul trucks with toys and games for kids around the region. It always makes me feel good to make sure that other kids are able to enjoy the things that other kids have. It helps that someone is able to make a difference in the world and help people have an easier time in their lives. I think it was a Christmas movie that said once that said “Once you help other people, what you need has a strange way of coming into place.” And I think that’s true because every year I go and help with the toy drive and I am blessed with an incredible life. So I think Christmas movies are strangely real. J
Absent (Day 95)
I didn’t go to school today because I had to finish my scholarship thing for Ms. Dell and I also lost my voice and got a cold. So I finally finished the scholarship and hopefully Ms. Dell submitted her part because I asked Carney but he left for like 4 days so I had to ask Ms. Dell instead. But I got it done. And then I slept part (or most) of the day because my mom gave me cold medicine. Losing your voice is terrible and I do not like it. Hopefully I can have it back by like Sunday. But tomorrow I have the toy drive at the Baltimore County Department of Social Services when we bring the youth group from my old church and go load toys into a truck for needy families for Christmas, which is always fun.
17 days until Christmas (Day 94)
new favorite song!
17 days until Christmas! Which is really exciting because it is one of my favorite holidays. Quick note: I don’t understand this blog project anymore. Nobody reads these blogs and it seems to take more effort than it gives results. I haven’t learned a single thing about myself and I have done every single blog. Not on time, but I have done every single one and I still don’t get it. Carney, you haven’t read these since the middle or end of October and Dona hasn’t commented on any of them. So needless to say, she hasn’t read any of them. And it’s just making most of the kids in AVID fail. And they aren’t going to change. And how does anyone grade blogs? Because they’re personal and it doesn’t explain anything if I get a C on a group of blogs that I wrote and put a lot of effort on.
17 days until Christmas! Which is really exciting because it is one of my favorite holidays. Quick note: I don’t understand this blog project anymore. Nobody reads these blogs and it seems to take more effort than it gives results. I haven’t learned a single thing about myself and I have done every single blog. Not on time, but I have done every single one and I still don’t get it. Carney, you haven’t read these since the middle or end of October and Dona hasn’t commented on any of them. So needless to say, she hasn’t read any of them. And it’s just making most of the kids in AVID fail. And they aren’t going to change. And how does anyone grade blogs? Because they’re personal and it doesn’t explain anything if I get a C on a group of blogs that I wrote and put a lot of effort on.
Stitches (Day 93)
So I got stitches today. I have a ceiling fan in my room and I put the glass dome on too tightly the other day when I changed the light bulb and when I went to pull the chain to turn it on, it shattered and I tried to catch it instinctively and it cut my finger pretty deeply. So I got 5 stitches. It’s pretty annoying because I can’t use my finger and I didn’t realize how much I use it. But I get them out in 10 days and then I will be fine. But the scholarship deadline is in 2 days and I’m not ready! Ugh. But I bowled a 113 today and that is pretty good for me. So it was an ok day and I hope that I can still finish this scholarship thing that is due in less than 72 hours.
Almost to 100 blogs...(Day 92)
These don't match...
So I found this adorable quote online the other day. “Love is not reciprocal-men love women, women love children, and children love hamsters.” Which is funny because it is very true. So I used that as my quote on edmodo. Which is a website I’m still not sure about. I think it’s cool that you can write like facebook as well as uploading projects. Ms. Banister really likes it anyway. Anyway, bowling started yesterday and it was cool because we have new kids that joined. We can’t count a lot of the kids’ scores because they are 19 and older and we already had a problem with that (thanks football players) and so we can’t do that anymore. So hopefully we can still have a good season because last year we came in like 3rd in the entire region. It was a good season and it makes me feel good because I am helping the special education department which is something I want to do in the future.
Dell (Day 91)
So Ms. Dell chose me to represent New Town for the Comcast Scholarship and it means that I have fill out a scholarship thing online. The bad thing? All of the other nominees got their packet in September and had until now to fill it out. Its due Friday. And I got it today. And I have to write a 250 word essay as well and fill out some information about community service, awards, and my extracurricular activities. It would be really nice to win but I’m not going to be that disappointed if I don’t. I mean I can always have other scholarships. But first I need to actually get into college. But that means I have to apply. So I think that means I have to go finish my essay. J And if anyone wants to tell me who the “Fisher King” is, I would like that a lot. They used that reference as a 2-part title for a double episode in Criminal Minds (The Fisher King (part 1 and 2) a.k.a. Sir Knieghf) and a reference in Glee “I feel like the Fisher King with wounds that never heal.” And I don’t know who that is.
No church (Day 90)
Did you know? These are actually wall hangers. :)
I definitely didn’t go to church today because my family slept in. It was great not having to get up at 7:00 in the morning. Then I had to work on my essay even more. I got it down to a full page but I need to cut it down more because my mom said that college admissions officers don’t want to read an essay that is more than a page long. I know I don’t like reading anything that is longer than like half a page. So I’m not going to make anybody else read my boring essay, either. But I am reading my calculus books and hopefully I can pass the next test that I have because I do not want to get a C. Like 4 people dropped out of Calculus and it’s really sad. I liked our class.
College essay (Day 89)
I spent the whole day working on my college essay. I added things to it and then took them away. I mean I think that it doesn’t need that much more work, but I guess my mom thinks it does because she keeps trying to get me to keep editing it. But since I am terrible at editing anything I don’t really think it’s going to work. So she is really going to work on editing it and making my words sound better that what I could have organized. It sounds better already. And then I have to write another essay (short answer for the common app) and upload the one I am working on now. Hopefully, I can make people see who I truly am and what I really like to do including riding horses and helping people.
21 days until christmas (Day 88)
Nothing really happened today. I mean there are like 21 days until Christmas and I have to get my grades up in all of my classes. Well except Health and AP Chemistry. Those classes are so easy I think I will permanently have an A. And I mean I do have a B in AP Human Geography but I would like to have an A in the class because I think it’s easy. I have to get my grades up in AVID and AP Calculus and AP English. I guess I don’t take them as seriously as I should. I mean in AVID all we are doing is talking about college and I’m tired of thinking about it. In Calculus all we do is take tests which I am never prepared for but I take the tests and fail anyway. So I need to work on that most of all. So I checked out 2 books from the library that hopefully help me pass them and get me a B for the final grade. Because I can’t have my first C on my report card senior card.
Stevenson trip (Day 87)
Unfortunately I actually like Stevenson. I say that because my sister and her boyfriend went there and graduated and that means that Stevenson wasn’t even on my radar. But then I went there and decided that it was really beautiful and the campus is close to home (which is kind of a problem). It isn’t my number one choice but it is still in my top 4 or 5. I really wish there was more nature in the campus. That’s why I like St. Mary’s. Because I can go sailing whenever I want and ride horses, too. All of my friends say I am a hippie and that is true because I love the outdoors and it is one of the factors that will determine where I go to college. Plus, hopefully I can get lots of scholarships because I have been working my butt off for almost 4 years and it’s about time that I can go to college for free. J
House points (Day 86)
It’s almost December and I can’t wait until the 25 days of Christmas on ABC family. It’s pretty awesome. My mom said that I have to work on college applications with her all weekend so I have to do all of my work before the weekend because that’s the only thing that I am allowed to work on. So I am kind of excited to be working on the college application process. Well really I am excited to see if I can get into any colleges and specifically what colleges are going to give me money. Part of me wants to see if everything that I’ve gone through is going to pay off or if it won’t determine anything. My mom says it will but another part of me wants to be chosen because of how well I do in school, and not because I have a sob story of a personal life. But really I want to be able to say that I got into certain colleges with certain amounts of money. I want house points! J
Epistle (Day 85)
So I did my first literary term project (thanks Carney) on epistle which is a poem usually written to a lover or a friend that discusses the qualities that they posses and what makes them special. Now my second literary term project that I did was on a word called elegy which is a poem that is usually written for a funeral. It’s for reminiscing about the loss of someone and it’s usually nostalgic. So can I just say that I really don’t like projects and I don’t feel like I learn that way? But we have done like 9 projects so far and I don’t think I’m very creative and I also feel like my projects are terrible. Like really bad.
POLAND ! (Day 84)
Pretty !
So we have this really cool project in AP Human Geography that we have to do. We are talking about folk and popular culture and we get to pick a country and talk about it and then bring a food in and share it with the class. I picked Poland at first and then I changed my mind to Wales. But then I changed it back to Poland because that is where my family is from so I thought that it would be easier to do a project on a country that I know something about. So I am doing a powerpoint (because that’s mainly what I know) and its going to be awesome.
Hawaiin punch (Day 83)
Haha...cow on boat. :)
Today my mom and I went to church and helped at the advent service because today was the first Sunday in advent. My mom made this awesome punch where you add sherbet, Hawaiian punch, and ginger ale and it was incredible. Everyone always loves it and we went through like 6 bottles of ginger ale and sherbet and 2 huge bottles of Hawaiian punch. I got to stay there and pour the punch for everyone and there was like 150-200 people there. It was really fun and then we got to stay and clean up afterward so we were there until 2 in the afternoon. Then when we went home and I had to rake leaves which took almost 4 hours. While I was raking, my sister, her boyfriend Nick, and my Dad all hung up our Christmas lights. We left around 6 to go to Famous Dave’s and we had a great time. We came back at like 8 and it was dark so the lights looked incredible.
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