Saturday, March 3, 2012

TENNIS (Day 179)

YAY TENNIS! J I am so excited for this season. I think it’s gonna be an incredible season and I HAVE TO make it to regionals or I am going to be very sad. This entire sports season has been good and now I have to play an individual sport, which can be good and bad at the same time. I mean if I win, it’s all on me and my great ability J but if I lose, it’s on me and I can’t blame it on anybody but myself which is not going to be good if I lose. Today I played with this new girl to kind of see the level on which she plays and she legit told me, “This isn’t anything like Wii tennis! This is hard.” I didn’t even know what to say. I wanted to tell her that if she thought real sports were like the Wii than she shouldn’t try out for anything, but I didn’t because I am a really nice person. *Smug face* Who knows? Maybe she will become the next Serena Williams…

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