Sunday, March 11, 2012

Hibachi grill (Day 188)

I had to pick up the yard, take out the trash, do laundry, and vacuum today before I could go to Hibachi grill with Mr. Hemler, his son Chris, Kalyn, Zakira, Jervonne, Mr. Hammer and his wife, Michael, other Chris, and Deon. It was a lot of fun because we got to see everyone the last time before we all go off to college and Mr. Hemler has to find a whole bunch of new aides for the bowling team. I would totally do that if I wasn’t graduating. It was a really fun 4 years and it went by really fast. Freshman year it was just me, Angela, and Jervonne and the CLS kids, and then Angela left and Kalyn and Zakira came. And this year, we had Christina and Brooke which was cool. We were all seniors except for Aaron who will be all alone for the next 2 years. J

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