Sunday, March 11, 2012

And it begins...(Day 184)

I am feeling like this tennis season is going to be really good but also really challenging. The boys side is looking really good with the new kids like Nick and Jason and Khalil, but the girls side seems a little lacking. I had to explain the rules of tennis to a freshman the other day and she questioned absolutely EVERYTHING. And then didn’t understand. For example, I explained the lines in reference to the rules and she was like, “if I play singles can I use the double line?” so I said no because the DOUBLE line is for DOUBLES players and the SINGLE line is for SINGLES players. And then she was like, “well I think I am going to play singles and use the doubles line.” To which I responded, “that would get you kicked out of the game and I don’t think you will be playing singles because the people from last year already have those spots.” And then she was like, “no, that spot is mine.” And I left her alone because firstly, there are 2 single spots and she doesn’t know that and secondly, she isn’t getting them-they belong to me and Kim.

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