Saturday, March 3, 2012

Scholarships (Day 180)

Scholarship for Dona? Sent! Joe A. Harriston scholarship? Mailed! This is a really good day for me. I was kind of disappointed to know that I haven’t gotten a single scholarship yet. And I see that other kids in my class have and it just makes me feel like I guess I didn’t try as hard as I could in the past 4 years. But I mean I have never been a slacker, but I haven’t worked as hard as I think I could have. My mom always says that I could have easily gotten straight As. But I disagree. School comes easily to me, but I do work to get the grades that I get and I kind of expected at least a little bit of scholarship money to help pay for college. If I don’t get any scholarships, I will either go to Towson, Salisbury, or UMBC. Probably Salisbury, but it all depends on how much their tuition it. St. Mary’s is also dependent upon how much they pay me to go to their college, and it looks like nothing at this point. (If I even get in…) And thank you AVID for writing beautiful notes for the soldiers. The boxes will be mailed tomorrow and I know that they will appreciate everything that they have gotten, including the letters.

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